Welcome to my model section, click on the images of the models to get a larger picture and a brief narrative on the history and construction of that model.

Modern Motor Chassis  Modern Motor Chassis

Tipping Motor Lorry  Tipping Motor Lorry

Traction Engine  Traction engine                          

 GER Omnibus  GER Omnibus

 Big Wheel  Big Wheel

 Cliff Railway  Cliff Railway                                                           

LNER Class L1, 2-6-4T  Locomotive  LNER Class L1, 2-6-4T  Locomotive

Roller Coaster   Roller Coaster

Ransomes and Rapier Railway Breakdown Crane                            Ransomes & Rapier Railway Breakdown Crane

The Dunmow Railway                                                   The Dunmow Railway


All images courtesy of Constructor Quarterly magazine