CQ March 2000

March 2000

CQ Decamber 1998

December 1998

CQ September 1998
September 1998

CQ September 1993


CQ March 1993

March 1993

CQ September 1992

September 1992

Pardon me for giving this super magazine a plug but if you are into Meccano you will WANT this publication. OK so it’s not cheap. But, a full colour, high quality, limited circulation publication like this is very expensive to produce. Nobody makes any profit, it’s simply a Meccano journal by enthusiasts for enthusiasts! I am delighted to have been associated with it in recent years and you will find articles about my models accompanied by studio quality photographs. I also did a series called "THE MECCANO COLOUR SCHEMES" which ran to about 11 parts covering each Meccano product era.

Click on a cover (on the left) to see a larger picture of that magazine.                        

          comic.bmp (105778 bytes)       

Click here to see an extract from CQ 43 March 1999

Click here to see an extract from CQ 42 December 1998

Please note:
both of these are large images (to make the text readable) and as such will take a short while to load.


Subscription (from sept 2000) charges are;-

£46 per annum U.K.

£48 per annum Mainland Europe

£52 per annum N & S America, S. Africa (air mail)

£54 per annum New Zealand / Australia (air mail)

£48 Worldwide surface mail

To subscribe, contact;-

Robin Johnson, 17, Ryegate Rd, Crosspool,
Sheffield, S10 5FA.