About The Society The Great Eastern Railway Society was formed in 1973 to bring together people interested in the GER its predecessors and successors and generally the railways of East Anglia. Our aims are to research and record the history of the line and link with other organisations to make this information available. Jounal, Newsletter, Information Sheets And Other Publications. We produce four Journals and four Newsletters a year both to a very high professional standard. The Journal contains historical material including authoritative, illustrated articles covering every aspect of the railway. The Newsletter covers the present day scene and also news about the Society. We have several hundred Information Sheets which are publications covering more specialised aspects of the GER. Our sales list also includes such items as published books, drawings and plans etc., all in all several hundred items which we always maintain in stock. The Society holds two main meetings a year one in Brentwood the other at various locations in East Anglia, plus occasional visits and other events. We currently have links with the National Railway Museum, North Woolwich Old Station Museum, Railtrack PLC and the Essex Record Office, Chelmsford where we are currently relocating our very extensive archive covering East Anglias Railways. Membership is currently over 1000 which is an exceptional figure for a "Pre-Group" railway society. If you wish to join complete the form below and send with the appropriate remittance.
For sales list and leaflet with further information please write to the same address.